Payment Methods
Employees receive pay direct deposit, UC Pay Card, or check. Learn more about these methods of payment.
- Payday: See the current Payroll calendar for all paydays.
- Monthly paydays: Payment is scheduled for the first working day following the close of the pay period. If a non-working day occurs between the end of the pay period and the first working day of the next pay period, payment is made on the last working day of the pay period, except that December earnings are always paid on Jan. 1. Only 12 monthly pay dates may occur within a calendar year.
- Biweekly paydays: Payday is the second Wednesday following the close of the pay period. If the second Wednesday is a holiday, then the payday is the first working day prior to that holiday, except for the New Year's holiday for which the pay date will always be Jan. 1. A minimum of 26 and a maximum of 27 biweekly pay dates may occur within a calendar year.
Direct Deposit
- Your pay is automatically deposited in your U.S. bank account and available on payday
- No waiting for a check to arrive at your home address
- With UCPath, you will have the option to split your earnings across 3 different accounts
How to Enroll in Direct Deposit
- Login to UCPath online
- Select Direct Deposit under 'Income and Taxes'
- Add, update, or delete direct deposit information.
- To add direct deposit information: enter the bank routing number, the account type, the account number, and the direct deposit amount or percentage.
The initial Direct Deposit set-up may take up to two weeks to become effective.
UC Pay Card
- Get a debit card without establishing a bank account
- Your earnings are loaded onto your card every payday (with funds available that day)
- You can use your card anywhere Visa cards are accepted
How to Apply for a UC Pay Card
- Enrollment in the UC Pay Card is available to non-represented employees and certain represented employees. Unions currently participating in UC Pay Card option: BX, CX, NX, PX, and K6.
- Find instructions, the application form, and a link to FAQs here

Mailed Paper Paycheck
- Paper paychecks are not delivered to campus departments
- Your paycheck is mailed to your home address via United States Postal Service
- It could take 2 to 3 days for a paper paycheck to arrive at your home address